Creating Your Career Path Workshop:
An Interactive Journey for Dietetic Interns & Students
A fulfilling career in the field of nutrition takes more than just nutrition knowledge. While some people will thrive in traditional roles in clinical, community or food-oriented settings, now more than ever nutritions students and dietitians have countless opportunities to create their own path. This seminar helps and inspires students to see themself, and their career possibilities, as limitless.
Seminar Details
During this 90-minute workshop, participants will be guided to:
understand what a non-traditional career can look like
meet dozens of unique RDs carving out their unique paths around the globe
discover what personal core values will lead to a meaningful career
receive simple, actionable and COVID-friendly next steps to begin today
connect with a mentor happy to stay in touch with them long after the presentation is over
Using Prezi, video, interactive questions, and Pamela’s love of connection, participants are encouraged to engage and think about next steps for their career in a new way.
Praise from Internship Directors
Click here for additional testimonials.
Speaker Background
Pamela Malo is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who received her Master’s degree in Human Nutrition from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. In 2012, Pamela was invited to present her non-traditional career path at the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) in Philadelphia which led to the birth of this program in 2013.
Her two-decade-long career has included:
10 years gathering data for National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
Designing a nutrition program for a school in a rural village in Peru
Creating the four-week Yoga for Peaceful Eating course that combines nutrition with movement
Analyzing and interpreting wellness genetics, bloodwork, saliva and microbiome data
Integrating health coaching and wellness into politics… and much more!
A lifelong student of authentic communication and connection, Pamela brings these skills together in an engaging and memorable way.
Pricing varies based on the size of your group. Please fill out this form to receive a quote or to ask any questions.
How is this seminar delivered?
This is a live, interactive, and multi-media seminar presented via Zoom.
When is the best time to offer this program?
Many internships and schools opt to do this on or near graduation. Others prefer to do it earlier so interns have more time to digest and incorporate what they discover as they go about their rotations.
Why do you offer this?
My goal is to offer an opportunity for dietitians-to-be to be exposed to just how vast our field is, even during COVID-19, and to begin to take small steps as a means to gain confidence in themself and what is possible. Having been a dietitian now for over a decade, I want to create a supportive and welcoming environment for new RDs joining us on the mission to make the world a healthier place.
Can you offer this seminar to other groups?
Yes, I am available as a speaker for local and national dietetic associations events, nutrition entrepreneurs, and preceptors. Just fill out the form and share what you are looking for in the notes section.
I might be interested, but I need a summary to share with my colleagues.
Great! You can either
a. Simply copy and paste the URL for this page ( and share that OR
b. Hit the button below, enter your email address (or that of your colleague) into the ‘to’ field, and you/they will receive all the info via email.