Praise from Internship Directors

“Pamela’s thirst for adventure and new knowledge to advance her practice and career in the field of nutrition is awe-inspiring and contagious. Pamela delivers a passionate and insightful presentation that is always mentioned among the interns’ favorites. I look forward to hearing her speak and motivate our interns for years to come.”
— Michelle Morgan, The Sage Colleges Dietetic Internship Director

Pamela presented with such passion that kept our interns engaged even on a virtual platform. Her message left our graduates inspired to take the next steps to look within and reflect on their own morals, attributes and goals and how to use them to discover their dream career within the field of dietetics.
— Katie Bigart, Be Well Solutions Internship Director

What stood out to me was not just the information, but the execution and the pace of the event. Students learn to use passion and values (not just the strengths we teach in the program) when they are considering their careers
— Cathie Ostrowski, Meredith College Internship Director

Students are encouraged to follow their own paths and also be ok comfortable with being uncomfortable and unseen changes. You have a very charismatic personality and are extremely engaging. You are very passionate about what you do and in guiding new RDs. This is what makes your presentation amazing.
— Alicia , Tucson Medical Center

Insightful, inspiring, motivating, and relatable!

— Micheline Orlowsky, MS, RDN, LDN, Clinical Coordinator

Students rarely have structured and facilitated opportunities to think about out-of-the-box careers and to consider their values and what things they need to thrive. I liked that it presented a system that they can move forward and implement
— University of Hawaii faculty

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with our interns. They found your presentation to be very helpful and engaging. I would love to have you come back next year.

— Dianna Carpentieri, MS, RD, LDN, Delicious Living Nutrition

I think this allows them to think outside of the “I have to get a clinical job right away because everyone says so.” It promotes confidence that will drive them to their own brand of success.
— Northwest Missouri State University Dietetic Internship faculty

praise from AttendeeS

My eyes lit up listening to your story and I had to reach out to you. I am a Nutrition and Dietetics student here at UD after transferring from a community college. Your story in Peru, teaching the fundamentals of nutrition to young children, and being culturally inclusive has completely inspired me. My career path of becoming a Dietitian means so much to me, but I always wondered how I could incorporate my different interests into the mix, until I listened to you.
— Breanne Bonilla, Delaware
I truly think this will help me become a better student, intern, future dietitian, and overall person!
— Sara, Minnesota
I enjoyed hearing Pamela’s story because I think it is very similar to what I’d like to do. I also liked seeing the unique paths other dietitians are on because I am interested in many of them. Lastly, I really liked the exercise where we wrote down moments that were fulfilling to us and what made them fulfilling. It made me see on paper what it is I am looking for in a job.
— Genesis, Minnesota
“I really enjoyed how much the diversity in her path made me feel more comfortable about my future career.
— Katie Walczuk, New York

Participants leave feeling more confident in themself and their career,
and excited about what is possible.

I struggle with confidence in myself being good at nutrition education and giving people the information they need, and this presentation has given me a much needed booster to push me along a path of my own making. Very well done, Pamela!
— Kevin, Georgia
This gave me confidence in finding a job that I love and not settling for less.
— LN, Minnesota
I really got a lot out of this. I see now how following my heart and finding something that aligns with my core nutrients matters. I am truly inspired for what I can do with the next steps of my career.

— T.L., California
This helped get me back to the core of what brings me joy.
— Meredith, North Carolina
This really made me think about finding what was making me happy and inspired me to want to find a way to get back there.
— AB, Pennyslvania
It made me realize what truly makes me happy and I know where I want to take my career pathway.
— Casey, Minnesota
The core nutrients exercise was most helpful for me. Writing down all of the specific things that are meaningful to me was help and allowed me to connect that to the job I’m currently interviewing.
— April, Windsor CT

They also leave with a LOT of insights and action items.

This workshop taught me that one’s career, similar to life, is like a roller coaster and that’s okay. Embrace it, remain grounded, stay open to new opportunities and be positive.
— Catherine M., Pennyslvania
Career decisions are not permanent— I can always change routes if I end up disliking it or it doesn’t feel right.
— Lindsay
I wasn’t aware the Academy had resources for international work which I plan to check out. I’ve always wanted to do nutrition work internationally but wasn’t sure how to work that into my career path.
— Erin, Minneapolis
I have a better idea of the “core nutrients” I am looking for in my future career. The things that help me feel fulfilled, confident and excited about work. One action step I am going to make is following more RD’s on instagram and reaching out to one new person a month to help with networking and personal growth.
— LK, Minnesota
The ‘insights and actions’ I am taking from this seminar are being mindful, perseverant, and adventurous.
— Kallen Lepe Ley, California
I left feeling a bit relieved on where and how to start my career path.
— Nicholas Dolewski, Hartford CT
The sky is the limit in this profession.
— AO, Tucson AZ
From this seminar, I felt encouraged to think outside the box, continue to grow and seek unique experiences, reflect on my past experiences and how they have shaped me, and keep my mind open to different opportunities in the field of dietetics.
— Name withheld by request
I did not know that I have so many options with my future career.
— Bronwyn, North Carolina
I loved thinking about our core values as nutrients and it was nice to realize what came to my mind when thinking of my proudest moments.
— Sheri B, North Carolina
This presentation will help me navigate my career journey by incorporating elements that are fulfilling to me. I felt even more inspired to further explore my passion in the dietetics field.
— Name with held by request
Utilizing or drafting a list of phrases and values that can be applied to giving oneself self purpose or a sense of zest/elation at almost any job for more fulfillment.
— Mason, Tucson AZ
This presentation inspired me to think outside of the box in dietetics careers. There are also a lot of great resources provided.
— HG, Washington
I am leaving with the knowledge that its okay to trust your gut and take risks.
— Emalee, North Carolina
I really loved learning about my core nutrients. It was very inspirational and motivating.
— Jenni Lee, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
It will help me try to look for the benefits or the factors that will aid in my personal growth regardless of my situation.
— Tavinun Vickyanont, Philadelphia
“Thank you!! You truly inspire me! Everything you do in life can serve a purpose no matter how random it might seem at the moment.”
— Victoria Lee Opalka, New York
What I got from this is to accept everything with an open heart and mind. Even if something doesn’t go the way you expected or you end up losing your job, you can learn from it and be open to another experience.
— JW
The presentation supports my career growth in a way that it allowed me to see the different career pathways that an RD can take, and how we are able to utilize our inner passions/interests/hobbies in the nutrition profession. The action plan I am leaving with is to begin thinking of ways my hobbies or interests can align with my future plans of having a private practice. Also, to be more open minded and to continue the thought of being okay if things don’t go as I planned.
— Wisdom I, Hawaii
I was able to recognize that you can make a lot of different career moves and still apply many of the same dietetic foundational skills.
— MB
I liked the exercise about jotting down 3 fulfilling experiences and identifying words that are similar or stood out in the three. I’d like to use this exercise moving forward as sort of a compass to guide me in my career choices. I think it could also be used to identify areas that need improvement.
— GL, Hawaii
I feel less pressure to find the perfect first job.
— Jenny N.
My next step is to start working on a plan today and just pick a starting point to see what happens as well as reaching out to several RDs in town to interview.
— Amarissa, Tucson, AZ

Plus, the interactive format is fun!

I think there is absolutely nothing that would have made this presentation for useful. Pam was very uplifting and positive. She made the experience very warm.
— Dana, Georgia
It was a great presentation and I really appreciate how interactive it was! It is tough when we have days with long zoom presentations where we just sit and are passive.
— Erin
Pamela has such a warm energy and provides a truly unique perspective on the RD career path
— Name withheld by request
All parts of the presentation was very useful, it was difficult to rank!
— Nicole, West Hartford, CT
It was really well done and kept my attention.
— Casey, Minnesota
“Not only has her career path been inspiring, but as a person she is also an inspiration. Pamela is a genuinely kind, caring and charismatic person, and I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to have learned about and to have met her. I have followed her work since meeting her and have also had the great privilege of being able to stay in touch with her. Hearing her presentation was easily one of the highlights of my Dietetic Experience.”
— Isabella Pericone, California
This was amazing.
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