Do New Years Resolutions not work for you?
You are not alone!
What if you set aside 1 hour on the first of the month
to revisit what is most important to you?
While many of us will make New Year’s resolutions, what if instead the focus was on just one small shift a month?
Maybe it is something you’ve been wanting to do forever.
Maybe it’s just being more regular with something you already, do but not as consistently as you want.
Maybe it’s simply focusing on slowing down, or be kinder to yourself.
Even big dreams require smalls shifts.
and often it’s the smallest changes
that have the biggest impact.
The First of the Month Club is for you if…
You are tired of making goals and not following through...or not setting them at all and feeling bad about it
You think a simple, stress-free action plan would help you to feel grounded and more productive or creative
You enjoy knowing what other people are working on and learning through their experience as well as your own
Each monthly Zoom gathering includes
A practice to soothe the nervous system
Instruction in how to set a fun micro-goal setting
Time to set your goal so you leave with a plan
A mid-month check-in
When is it?
Every first of the month at noon Pacific!
Next Live gathering: Thursday July 1st 12pm PST (3pm EST)
Yes, there will be a replay!
How much is it?
The First of the Month Club is $49 per month. This includes an hour long group call on the first and weekly check-ins to share how it is going.
This sounds good but I don’t have bandwidth right now for anything “new.”
I hear you! And it is so important to listen to that. This may not be the time.
That said, let me share that you do not have to choose something brand new to do. In fact I wouldn’t recommend it! Instead you might choose to…
keep doing something you are already doing, but haven’t been giving yourself credit for it (ie ‘Nice job for getting out of bed today, body!’)
do something you are already doing with slightly more consistency
not change anything- but track what you are doing (ie how often you do XYZ) so you have a little data. Our brains aren’t always reliable.
do something doesn’t take time- like saying something to yourself when you wake up, or smiling at your partner/pet/baby/tree/computer.