Do you feel frustrated with your food choices?

Do your emotions and the hecticness of your day
influence your choices more than you wish?

In 30-minute workshop you will learn why so many of us struggle with eating today, and a simple method to sidestep the struggle and step into a more aligned way of being with food.

More about pamela

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Pamela Malo, MHS, RD, KYT is an expert at understanding the dynamic relationship people have with food. She is a registered dietitian, certified yoga instructor, and received her Master of Health Science in Nutrition from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Coursework through the Institute for the Psychology of Eating in Boulder, CO deepened her nutrition knowledge. For six years, Pamela traveled throughout the United States conducting research for the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the largest public health study in the world. She has lived in over 40 cities across the United States, traveled to over 25 countries, and also conducted and created nutrition programs internationally. Today, Pamela’s work focuses on helping individuals understand the inner and outer dynamics of creating a deeply nourishing life.